Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) allow access and interaction between people and database all over the world. CMC have change the understanding and perceptive of our human communication. In cyberspace, we adopt a totally new identity as no one knows we are which allow us to create a character we wish we could be.
MSN, facebook, friendster, myspace have now been a very popular platform for people from all over the world to come together and get to know each other. And it is now one of the most popular site one visit. Dates and outing is then form by the group of community who talk to each other often. But this can be a very dangerous act.
Cases of rapes and cheats have been heard around the world due to meeting up with the so call 'friends' online. I remember coming across an article in the Chinese news paper a few years ago. A man in china met 4 of his so call online 'buddy' out for a drink, and he was actually gang rape by the other 4. Pls there is no typo error there, he was really rape by the rest of the guys. He felt so betrayed by their action and wanted revenge. So he called them out one fine day and get the all four drunk, then he proceed to cutting off their 'male pride'... ouch...
He was caught later on by the police and which he then confess that he was actually rape. This shows that not only females are vulnerable as this not only happen on the female. A saying of 'do not judge a book by its cover' is very well said here. We can never know what a person think and the motive behind one's action. No one can escape when he/she is out numbered and in a well plan scam act.

There are rare cases that people that are being so obese with a person online that they will keep talking to their peer all day about this particular person and they will be mentally reliable on this internet friend. Treating him/her as her girlfriend/boyfriend when the person have no intention of doing back the same. Some may be so heartbroken and commit suicide due to the online 'partner' found a girlfriend/boyfriend.
This is not healthy at all. One should not take online dating/chatting so serious that it may change the your own personal life. It is best to leave what ever in the virtual world online. Never let it influence our life. As most of the time there is no honesty on the net.We reveal our pros hind our cons. When one cannot hide, they will just lie their way through... hoping people will take their lie into the profile.